ID - In order to verify your identity, we need to see a government issued photo ID that states your place of birth. This ID should be valid and in date. We need to see all four corners of the document and ensure that the images are clear and all 4 corners of the document are visible. Please do not cover any part of the image.
Proof of Address - We need to see a utility bill, letter or statement that has an issue date within the last 3 months. You can take a screenshot of any online bills you may have, or otherwise take a photo of the document and upload it. You can mask any other personal information that's showing on this document.
On this document we need to see the following:
Your name
Your address
The issue date
The company name/ logo
Please ensure you can see all of the above in order to verify your proof of address document.
Credit Card - You can take a photo of your credit card in our document uploader on your profile. This photo needs to show the first 6 and last 4 digits, your name and expiry date. Please cover the other digits for security reasons. We also don't need to see the back, but keep in mind that all 4 corners need to be visible.
E-wallet/Online payment methods - You can verify your online payment method used on your account by uploading a screenshot showing your email, account number/ID, recent transactions on your e-wallet account, your name and company name/logo.
Bank Account - Bank Statement or Screenshot from your online banking account showing your name, last 6 digits of your bank account number and the bank logo/name.